Thursday, January 29, 2009

Heroes 2009 - New episodes

The anticipation of Heroes 2009 episodes in my opinion will be a make it or break it run. I have been a follower of the series from the very beginning. Season 1 was a fascinating break out year with great story telling, character and plot development. Each episode possessed a sense of suspense, excitement and mystery. One would feel compelled to be there each week and never to miss an episode. It was thrilling and addicting. There was a vested interest and ownership of each character presented as a gift to the audience from the show's creators, directors and producers. It was the audience's responsibility to take hold of these characters and believe, hope and trust the fundamental values and meaning of the show. The underlying themes of global diversity, social acceptance and basic human need to be something better, a hero.

Then Heroes Season 2 happened. The season started with a time travel story back to the feudal days of Japan. Frankly, the entire season the story and plot had gone in so many different directions. Favorites such as Nikki were killed off. New characters that added no value to the plot or story(i.e. Maya) materialized. The roller coaster ride of good to bad episodes continued throughout the entire year. The writer's strike was a mixed blessing, due to the terrible storyline presented in this season.

Now jump to present day and the anticipation of the 2009 episodes. What we know now?:


Arthur P. - killed off by Sylar
Sylar returns to being a serial killer
Elle - is killed by Sylar
Nathan P. - has ulterior motives and decides to round up all humans with special abilities

Negatives about the show thus far:
Killing off Elle and Nikki. The addition of Adam and Arthur into the storyline, which basically added no real value for the show. Perhaps somewhere down the road, if and when the Heroes Origins is released. Hiro and Endo's constant misadventures and misfortunes. It almost seems like these two are responsible for all the screw ups that occur within the space time shift. What value do they bring to the show aside for levity and comic relief? They are still among the favorites of the show though. Finally, what is up with Mohinder? His father and sister must be looking down on him with much disgust and disappointment right now. He has become the villain, the mad scientist and I'd say just as bad or a worst villain than Sylar.

Positives about the show thus far:
The addition of Daphne and the chemistry between her and Parkman is excellent. Sylar's return to being the bad guy is a smart return to focus from the first season. It is unfortunate that it had to be at the expense of Elle. Kristen Bell's character was one of the highlights of the show. It is great to see Adam, Arthur, Maya and Monica gone from the series. If none of these characters add value, then why bother writing them into the storyline? Bring back characters like Nikki and Micah and continue to build on their relationship and search for her sisters.

The new episodes of 2009 will be a make it or break it scenario for this series. The creators can no longer rely on the name, the hype and the loyal following of Heroes. Just as they have entrusted the audience to embrace the characters, the storyline and the plot, the audience have entrusted the creators, directors and executive producers to deliver high quality content and gripping episodes weekly. I for one will not settle for anything less than the best creative writing, plot and character development. I would hate to see this show go the way of the shark...

Time will tell...

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